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Why Property Prices Keep Rising Despite Interest Rate Rises

May 1, 2024

The Australian housing market has shown a surprising resilience, with home values continuing to rise despite higher interest rates, inflation, and cost of living. This trend has been observed across the nation, with the exception of Hobart. The Home Value Index, which considers the price of houses and units, reported a 0.6% increase nationally in February 2024.

This increase in property values is intriguing, especially considering the economic conditions. Since May 2022, there have been 13 interest rate rises. Inflation and living costs have also been on an upward trajectory, along with a rising unemployment rate. Yet, the housing market has shown a strong trend, seemingly unaffected by these factors.

One possible explanation for this phenomenon is the optimism of buyers over the possibility of rate cuts later in the year and positive news on inflation. However recent data is suggesting that optimism is now misguided (as of May 2024) and there is a reasonable chance of further interest rate rises this year.

However, a more significant economic factor is at play: the principle of supply and demand. Currently, there is a shortage of dwellings on the market compared to the number of interested buyers.

Several factors contribute to this shortage. Over the past few years, there has been a decrease in the average number of people per household, leading to more households being demanded. There has also been a continuation in high levels of net overseas migration. On the supply side, new builds have been limited due to various hold-ups and constraints in the construction industry, especially unlocking land to build new dwellings.

Looking ahead, it’s challenging to predict the future of the Australian housing market. If the current trend continues, house prices will likely continue to rise in the short term. However, several factors could potentially derail this predicted path. These include a softening economy, rising unemployment, further rate rises, reduction in migration (to certain areas), and lower household saving rates.

Despite these potential obstacles, the housing market’s exuberance, coupled with high interest rates, high cost of living, and rising unemployment, could keep a ceiling on the level of growth seen this year. The growth cycle is expected to be more normalised than the rampant highs witnessed back in 2021.

There may also be some good news for prospective first home buyers. If the cash rate reduction does occur at the end of 2024, it would undoubtedly boost the housing market. This would be especially beneficial for many prospective renters who might be keen to access more finance and purchase a home.

In conclusion, the resilience of the Australian housing market is a complex phenomenon influenced by various economic and market factors. Despite the challenges posed by higher interest rates, inflation, and cost of living, property prices have continued to rise. This trend underscores the dynamic nature of the housing market and the multitude of factors that influence property prices.



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