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Introducing Mara De Leon: Client Experience - Implementation

April 17, 2024

Introducing Mara De Leon, our Client Experience Implementation expert. With over 5 years of experience, Mara plays a pivotal role in supporting our advisers with administrative tasks to ensure the delivery of tailored financial advice for our clients. Outside of work, she enjoys family time, beach outings, Netflix, Mahjong, and a wide range of sports - from the NBA to the Olympics.

What is your day-to-day role at Vista Financial Group/Orange Wealth?

My day-to-day role involves assisting clients with implementing the advice provided to them. This includes managing clients' accounts and policies as part of our ongoing services. Additionally, I handle any other client requests outside of the advice work and provide administrative support to Jason.

How long have you been working with the team and what do you enjoy most about your job?

I've been with Jason for almost 6 years now! What I love most about my role is the direct interaction with clients. Witnessing how our work positively impacts their lives is incredibly fulfilling. Knowing that I've contributed to helping clients create a plan that leads them towards achieving their goals brings me immense satisfaction.

What's the most challenging work in your role that you did and how did you overcome it?

Ironically, communication has been a significant challenge for me, given my background in a different country. To overcome this hurdle, I adopted a "just do it" approach. Being open and genuine in my communication helped me bridge any language or cultural gaps. When authenticity guides your communication, the words naturally fall into place.

Share a quirky or unique habit you have that helps you stay productive at work.

I make it a point never to skip breaks! Though it may not seem unique, it's essential for maintaining productivity. During breaks, I enjoy aimless walks, and listening to music while working keeps me focused and productive.

When and where was your best vacation?

Last year, I fulfilled a bucket list dream by visiting Korea with my family. Witnessing cherry blossoms in bloom was an unexpected highlight of the trip. While international travel is relatively new to me, this experience holds a special place in my heart, and I look forward to exploring more destinations with my family in the future.

What do you do in your spare time?

I'm passionate about sports, whether it's learning to play tennis or enjoying a game of Mahjong with my family on Saturdays. Recently, I've reignited my love for reading, aiming to reduce screen time in 2024.

What is the weirdest thing you have eaten?

While I'm not particularly adventurous when it comes to food, I remain open to trying new things someday!



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