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Introducing Retchie Camporedondo: Client Service Associate

March 19, 2024

Meet Retchie Camporedondo, our Client Service Associate, essential in assisting our financial advisers with data entry and document preparation. Married with two kids, he finds joy in outdoor activities like fishing and camping with his family. With8 years in the BPO industry and a degree in Information Technology, Retchie excels in service delivery and digital navigation. Outside of work, he enjoys video blogging, blending storytelling with his tech skills, and embracing hobbies that inspire growth and innovation.

What is your day-to-day role at Vista Financial Group?

In my capacity as a Client Services Associate, my role encompasses a myriad of responsibilities crucial to the seamless operation of our financial services. I am actively engaged in supporting my adviser by undertaking essential tasks such as preparing comprehensive file notes and reports for upcoming client reviews. Additionally, I am entrusted with the vital responsibility of crafting implementation documents for client presentations, including Statement of Advice (SOA) and Record of Advice (ROA). The meticulous execution of these implementation processes is paramount as it ensures the successful culmination of our overarching financial planning endeavours.

What's the most challenging work in your role that you did and how did you overcome it?

While navigating the transition to our new licensee, tackling the challenge of finalising implementation documents felt like trying to juggle paperwork while riding a unicycle – not your everyday circus act! The deadlines were as tight as a jar of pickles, and we had to ensure everything was sealed and delivered before our new licensee could pick up the pickle jar, so to speak.

In this high-stakes paper ballet, my colleague and I teamed up like a dynamic duo, ready to conquer the paperwork villains that stood in our way. Picture us as the caped crusaders of compliance, armed with pens and precision.

Now, managing this tightrope walk between deadlines and quality work was no laughing matter, but we did sprinkle in some humor to keep spirits high. After all, this demanding process highlights the significance of adept teamwork and effective time management within our responsibilities.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The aspect of my job that I find most gratifying is the continual opportunity for learning and personal growth. Each day presents fresh challenges and possibilities, enabling me to expand my skill set, tackle complex issues, and contribute to our team's collective success. Moreover, the camaraderie fostered through collaboration with highly skilled colleagues and witnessing the tangible impact of our combined efforts imbues my professional journey with meaning and fulfilment.

When and where was your best vacation?

My most cherished vacation memory transports me back to the enchanting shores of Panglao Island in Bohol, Philippines, nestled amidst the Visayas region. The pristine beaches, teeming coral reefs, and warm hospitality of the locals created an unforgettable tapestry of experiences. Exploring the iconic Chocolate Hills, encountering the diminutive Tarsiers at the sanctuary, and indulging in the delectable local cuisine encapsulated the essence of cultural richness and natural beauty.

What's your go-to karaoke song?

My inclination gravitates towards the timeless allure of R&B classics. While I may not possess the vocal finesse of the original artists, I approach each rendition with genuine enjoyment, infusing it with my unique interpretation. It's an opportunity to put my own spin on the melodies, embracing the joyous spirit of karaoke with authenticity and enthusiasm.

If you were a character in a TV show or movie, who would you be, and why?

If I were to inhabit the persona of a character from the realm of television or cinema, I would aspire to embody the wisdom and benevolence of Mr. Feeny from "Boy Meets World." His role as a mentor resonates deeply, characterised by profound wisdom, compassion, and the ability to impart invaluable life lessons. Being a guiding influence, nurturing personal growth, and fostering resilience in others aligns with my aspirations of making a positive impact on those around me.

Who's your favourite team sport?

My heart belongs to basketball, with a fervent allegiance to the Golden State Warriors. Despite my modest stature, standing at a towering 5 feet, I've mastered the art of defying gravity – or at least reaching for the basketball net! True fandom knows no bounds, even if your vertical jump is inversely proportional to your height.



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